
Concept Explanation


Evolution refers to the process by which early organisms of the earth diversified into various new forms through slow but continuous variations. Ever since the appearance of the first living beings on the earth some 3.5 billion years ago, new forms have continuously originated. And, the different forms have undergone modifications and given rise to new forms. The newer forms are sufficiently different to be recognized as new species. They breed amongst their own members and not with the ancestral forms or any other forms. The newly formed species may give rise to still newer species over a period of time. According to Darwin, evolution is ‘descent with modification.’

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

The presence of salts in animal body fluid gives the proof that the life originated in ___________

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Evolution refers to the process by which early organisms of the earth diversified into various new forms through slow but ___________________ .

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

The appearance of the first living beings on the earth was about  ________________ years ago

Right Option : B
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